Beauty is the rhythm of the rain.


Beauty is the rhythm of the rain.



Dear Universe,



Beauty is the rhythm of the rain,

the turning of the earth,

the smiling of the sun,

Beauty is the movement of your breath,

the minute extra sleep,

the love in which I run.

Beauty is the laugh you can't contain,

A mothers love.

A father's grace.

Beauty is walking with God,

Carried by the angels,

washing clean my face.


Beauty is the working of my body,

and the way it moves

and the way it looks to my eyes.

Beauty is the skin in which I live

the flowing of my blood

my mind to God's skies.

Beauty is in letting it all go

Surrendering to light

and letting peace be in me.

Beauty is in listening to the wind,

the swaying of the trees

and letting my heart free.


Teach me today that I am made

of everything you meant me to be.

Teach me today that I am beautiful

and show me the ways in which to see it.

Teach me today that I am of you

born within you and lived still by you.

Teach me today that I am sacred

that I am blessed and made

from the substance of love.



Thank you.

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