Monday Mindset


Hello loves,


Sometimes you know exactly what you want and have the drive and ambition to go get it. Sometimes you don't. That's O.K. Sometimes your wake up inside a life that is filled with grey areas. Pieces of who you were, who you are and who you might be becoming, they seem like they are scattered everywhere and over lapping. You're not unhappy or even deeply lost but there's an unease of self. You may not know what to truly ask for because you might not know who you are right now. Take your time. There's no rush to get this sorted BUT, I would like to gently encourage you to start investing in it's resolution.


You don't always need to know what you want to begin manifesting or taking control of your life. How about a gentler approach to your own clarity? Why not begin a brand new conversation with the Universe? Ask her if there is anything she would like for you to do? Ask yourself about what feels fun, what feels like home and also what's exciting? We've all been through so much and our culture is in such flux all the time that it's hard to lose a grip on what's exciting. You may find that you are exactly where you want to be but you may have just gotten out of practice of being excited about it. Yes, that can happen. Especially when we have experienced trauma and especially in a society that repeatedly sends you messages that joy is behind your next purchase.


Let's start this week on a different footing. Today is the beginning of a full moon ( peaks tomorrow ) so hearing the Universe and all her guidance will be easier. Spend some time when you can opening your mind, day dreaming, asking questions, being willing to be open to the answers and treat the clarity of the next steps in your life as more of a light hearted puzzle that you get to witness solving itself. You may have forgotten how powerful you are, how incredible you are and how much you are a universe unto yourself. I delight in and my soul is lifted by the process of reminding you of your own incredible light over and over again. You are magic. You are miracle. You are bigger than any problem you currently inhabit.


Today, set the intention to enter into a conversation with the universe about finding the meeting place within you between your innate nature and your capacity to create miracles. I think that's a formula that can create some powerful magic.


I believe in you.


Big Love


Ryan James x


#psychicswansea #mediumship #lawofattraction

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