When life feels a little grey.


Hello loves,


Where do you begin when you feel lost? Where do you start when you feel like life is happening to you rather than you being in the control seat? How do you reconnect with feeling inspired, connected to life itself and to really embracing the potential that your life contains? I'm not going to lie, it's a process. Not just that but it's a practice that you will have to return to over and over again. I think we have been sold this idea that a great life is a destination when really it's a collection of habits and systems that remind us of what is important to us. So that's where we start when we are creating a space for clarity and the feeling of movement.


The first thing that I recommend doing is getting a mental health routine. Something you do each morning that connects you to a space of well being. Then I recommend a physical health routine. Look at your diet and exercise and put a habit in place that gives you small but consistent improvements. Then your creative routine. It doesn't have to be art or music or anything that is called creative by modern standards just do something each day that is centered in play. Once these three things are in place THEN you can then look at financial health, romantic health, your home and build out from there. The mistake we make is starting with what appears the bigger issues rather than what is foundational.


Even with all this in place you are going to get off days, off weeks, maybe even an off month. That's just part of the challenges that an attentive mind faces. If you're looking to create a deep sense of peace in your life then there are some hurdles to overcome. What I advocate is priming your mind and body as best you can to be open, to be receptive, to sink into a place of play so that when opportunities for growth come you are able to recognise them and rise with them. A simple morning practice can make you more aware of your inner voice. Once you have connected to that sorting your life out get's easier. Do what you can to return to you.


Big Love,


Ryan James x

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